Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Post #12 - October 23, 2012 - Nara, Japan

Wow, I cannot believe we have only 4 full days in Japan left! We have already whipped out the Lonely Planet book for China. Time goes by so fast.

So, I guess we're late with this blog post due to our overnight bus trip to Hiroshima last night. But I will quickly recap our somewhat uninteresting day yesterday.

We woke up to a very rainy day in Nara. It was pouring all morning as we ate breakfast and planned out our day. First stop was the post office to mail home a little gift for our good friend who is enduring trying times. He is on our mind and we wanted him to know we were thinking of him and wishing him all the best. Luckily, mailing things home turned out to be way easier than we anticipated! So ladies, the fake Gucci purses I promised from Thailand really will make their way to you... provided they are as helpful and reliable as the Japanese were. 

Next, we planned to check out the 5 tier pagoda in Nara so we walked there under our umbrellas and once again declined to pay the admission into the temple. Which I think was a good choice since we are certainly "templed and shrined" out if you know what I mean. 

That meant it was time to pack up.... again.... and board a little train back to Kyoto, where we would spend the day walking by restaurant windows of brilliant Japanese fresh baked bread, pastries and other dreadfully tempting desserts, like crepes and sundaes. We also browsed around the gazillion clothing stores which are almost all women's clothing stores, with such beautiful stuff. So, it was a day of yearning to eat junk and spend money. I really I have to hand it to the Japanese, they have AMazing fashion. I told Jeff several different times that we need to come back and just shop. They have inspired so many new ideas of how to dress, and try neat combinations of colours and prints. A few trends I thought I would point out that I will definitely be trying when I get home, and can finally look semi-fashionable, will be the following:

- Tights (like stockings) with shorts... and many different colours/subtle prints of tights
- Skinny printed pants even floral
- Scrunchies - yes I really think they're going to make a comeback and I intend on buying one here in Japan before I leave
- Faux Furs - they're everywhere and are beautiful for the fall

So, that was the gist of our day. We ended up having a light dinner at McDonalds which was conveniently right by where our bus left. We ended up spending only $35 yesterday! So that was awesome.

It was a nice day. I'm really glad Jeff has to write the next blog. I know he'll do it justice as we saw the highlights of Hiroshima today which were incredibly impactful and difficult to put into words how much so.

Good night everybody.

Lotsa love,


1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean when you say you are "templed out"...however, you guys are heading into temple central in China...not to mention the other Asian countries. They begin to blur together after a while, but there are some unique ones for sure. We also have tried to avoid things you have to pay for...often times it's not worth what they are asking. There are some exceptions of course!

    Patty, if you can pull off Japanese fashion in Canada, you'll be a unique person for sure.

    Hiroshima was a very moving experience. It made me think of visiting Auschwitz in Poland a few years ago...obviously different, but both atrocities from the same world war.
