Friday 22 March 2013

Post #139 – February 27, 2013 – Bangkok, Thailand

What we did: shipped stuff home, bus to Krabi Town
Budget: 1800B/$60; Spent: 1625B/$54

We woke up around 9am this morning to enjoy our included buffet breakfast. We dragged ourselves down to the main floor and semi-consciously filled plates with food and sat down to eat. The bus yesterday had been really bad and we were feeling it. The thought of taking another bus tonight was somewhat nauseating.

We went back up to our room to pack, but ended up sleeping instead. We were so dead tired, especially Patty, that we simply couldn't will ourselves to move. I went down to ask for an extension to our checkout time and the girl at the front desk was nice enough to extend it 30 minutes beyond usual.

Even still, by the time we got down with all our bags to check out, we were late checking out. Thankfully, this didn't seem to matter. We left our bags in the baggage storage and then took a taxi to the post office to send some stuff home, including Frank's (Patty's sister's) sandals we had bought yesterday. Amazingly, the taxi driver had no problem turning on his meter this time and we got there for a record low cost! We sent our things home no problem, and paid a little extra for them to get home a little fast since Frank wanted the shoes to arrive before leaving for Europe.

We taxied to MBK after the post office and once again got charged by the meter. We couldn't believe our good luck! We had a nice lunch in the MBK food court and then looked around the shops for a bit. We bought me another sleeveless shirt for the beach and then it was time to head back to our hotel.

A shuttle bus would be picking us up around 4pm to take us to the actual bus that would be taking us to Krabi Town. Nice and easy.

When we got back to our hotel, we had time to buy 30 minutes of internet time before the shuttle bus showed up. The ride took about 45 minutes and we picked up several other people on the way. The shuttle bus dropped us off at a hostel in an area of the city we were not familiar with and we waited there for about 45 minutes before someone came by and herded the tourists like cattle on a 10 minutes walk to our actual bus. Interestingly, we even passed by a Muay Thai gym on the way. We were happy to observe that ours in Chiang Mai had been much better!

When we arrived at our bus, we grabbed some decent seats this time, so we were hoping we would have a better night. Unfortunately, around 9pm, I started to feel sick and needed a washroom, but it wasn't until midnight that we finally stopped. It was a painful 3 hours, but there were no accidents, thank goodness!

We bought some bananas and yogurts at the stop. Neither of us were particularly hungry, so this was good enough. We remained there for about 30 minutes and then climbed back onto the bus. We proceeded to spend the rest of the night tossing and turning. I love buses.

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