Tuesday 26 March 2013

Post #157 - March 17, 2013 - Taupo, New Zealand (draft)

What we did: recovered from hike
Budget: NZ$150/$125; Spent: NZ$109/$91

We woke up quite late this morning; exhausted from our hike yesterday
We went to go grab lunch from McDonald's and got deli-like sandwiches and coffees
It was raining on and off, so we just talked most of the afternoon
We had wanted to check out some falls in the area that are supposed to be worth the visit, but the weather wasn't cooperating
Went back to the hostel that night for some chili; made some tomato, cucumber, and cheese salad later that night; very yummy
Went out to a local pub to celebrate St. Patrick’s day; it was pretty lively and we stayed at a pub talking for a couple hours

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