Tuesday 26 March 2013

Post #146 - March 6, 2013 - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (draft)

What we did: flight to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; flight to Guangzhou, China; flight to Auckland, New Zealand
Budget: 1800B/$60; Spent: 1694B/$57

Woke up at 5:30am this morning to catch our ride to the airport at 6am
Jeff was not feeling well because of his burns
Our very nice guesthouse owner (Man) drove us to the airport; when we got downstairs he was waiting for us and he told us his wife wanted to give us a discount on our last night at the guesthouse; we assumed this was because she still felt bad for recommending the sunset BBQ tour; when we got dropped off at the airport, we gave them the full amount saying that we had a very nice stay; I think Man appreciated this
We checked in
Grabbed a coffee and an amazing sandwich
Skyped with Jeff’s mom
Went through customs; realized we had stayed exactly the maximum number of days allowed by our visa in Thailand; very lucky
We waited for plane for about 10 minutes, then boarded
Two hour flight to Kuala Lumpur was uneventful; Jeff slept; Patty listened to iPod
Arrived in Kuala Lumpur, went through customs
After asking at an information desk, realized our departing plane was leaving from another airport that was about 20 minutes away by bus; not a big deal because we had about 7 hours
Grabbed lunch at McDonalds
Bought bus tickets; waited for bus; bus ride was pretty quick
We arrived at the airport too early to check in; airport is beautiful; reminded us of Hong Kong’s airport
We went to an eating area to go on wifi and wait
Sent Landon Facebook messages wishing him luck with his fight, which was tonight
Checked into plane; went through security
Took a tram to another part of the airport; grabbed lunch at Mediterranean restaurant; food was good but pricey
Went to wait by gate, not boarding yet
Went through another round of security, waited to board
Boarded; plane ride was about 4 hours to Guangzhou
Our layover in China was a little more than 2 hours
We went through security for people who are transitioning through China; no problems
Found some seats by our gate to wait and charge our iPhone and laptop for the ride
We got busy talking and missed the call to board; about 25 minutes before the flight was scheduled to leave we went to go check at the gate and realized it was last call; boarded
Very nice plane; comfy seats
Fed us first meal almost right away (fish and potatoes)
We then went to sleep

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